PowerShell API

The programming interface for hooks and custom scripts

The PowerShell API of Bench consists of a set of global variables and functions, available in custom and hook scripts.


Utility Functions

File System Functions

Bench Configuration Functions

App Property Functions



This variable in the global scope a Mastersign.Bench.BenchConfiguration object. This object holds the merged Bench configuration from all configuration files.

Hint: Access via $global:BenchConfig.

Utility Functions


  • Description: Checks an process exit code and exits the current script if it is not 0.
  • Parameter:
    • exitCode (optional) The exit code to check. Default value is $LastExitCode.


  • Description: Prints a message and waits for an arbitrary key press before it returns.
  • Parameter:
    • msg (optional) The message to print. Default value is "Press any key to exit ...".


  • Description: Starts a detached process without blocking.
  • Parameter:
    • path The absolute path to the executable.
    • … An arbitrary number of command line arguments

File System Functions


  • Description: Makes sure a path points to an empty directory.
  • Parameter:
    • path The absolute path to the directory.
  • Return Value: The absolute path to the directory.

If the directory exists, all of its children are deleted. If the directory does not exist, it is created.

This function is a wrapper for Mastersign.Bench.FileSystem.EmptyDir().


  • Description: Searches for the first file that matches a given pattern, in a given directory.
  • Parameter:
  • Return Value: The absolute path of the found file or $null, if the given directory does not exist or no file matches.

If more than one file in the given directory matches the pattern, it is not defined which one is returned.


  • Description: Searches for files which match a given pattern, in a given directory.
  • Parameter:
  • Return Value: An array with the found files.

If the specified directory does not exist, an empty array is returned.


  • Description: Deletes a directory and all of its content.
  • Parameter:
    • path The absolute path to the directory.

Solves a problem with deleting directories recursively, if they contain read-only files. This function is a wrapper for Mastersign.Bench.FileSystem.PurgeDir().


  • Description: Makes sure a directory exists.
  • Parameter:
    • path The absolute path to the directory.
  • Return Value: The absolute path to the directory.

This method is a wrapper for Mastersign.Bench.FileSystem.AsureDir().

Bench Configuration Functions


  • Description: Returns the value of a Bench configuration property.
  • Parameter:
    • name The name of the configuration property.
  • Return Value: The value of the property or $null.

The data type of the property can be string, boolean, array of strings, or dictionary with string keys and values. If you want to read a boolean value use Get-ConfigBooleanValue, because strings can be interpreted as booleans. If you want to read a list value use Get-ConfigListValue, because strings can be interpreted as an array with one element.


  • Description: Returns the boolean value of a Bench configuration property.
  • Parameter:
    • name The name of the configuration property.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as boolean.

If the property has no value, $false is returned.


  • Description: Returns the list value of a Bench configuration property.
  • Parameter:
    • name The name of the configuration property.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as array of strings.

If the property only contains a string, an array with one element is returned. If the property has no value, an empty array is returned.

App Property Functions


  • Description: Returns the value of an Bench app property.
  • Parameter:
    • app The ID of an app.
    • name The name of the property.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string or $null.

If the property has no value, or the app ID is not defined, $null is returned. If you want to read a boolean value use Get-AppConfigBooleanValue, because strings can be interpreted as booleans. If you want to read a list value use Get-AppConfigListValue, because strings can be interpreted as an array with one element.


  • Description: Returns the boolean value of an Bench app property.
  • Parameter:
    • app The ID of an app.
    • name The name of the property.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as boolean.

If the property has no value, $false is returned. If the app ID is not defined, $null is returned.


  • Description: Returns the list value of an Bench app property.
  • app The ID of an app.
  • name The name of the property.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as boolean.

If the property only contains a string, an array with one element is returned. If the property has no value, an empty array is returned. If the app ID is not defined, $null is returned.


  • Description: This function returns the value of the Typ property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The string value of the property, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the value of the Version property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the list value of the Dependencies property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as array of strings, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the value of the Url property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the dictionary value of the DownloadHeaders property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as dictionary, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the dictionary value of the DownloadCookies property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as dictionary, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the ResourceName property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the ArchiveName property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the ResourceArchiveTyp property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the ArchivePath property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the boolean value of the Force property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as boolean, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the PackageName property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the Dir property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the first element in the list value of the Path property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The first item in the array value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the list value of the Path property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as array of strings, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the Exe property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the boolean value of the Register property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as boolean, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the dictionary value of the Environment property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as dictionary, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the list value of the AdornedExecutables property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as array of strings, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the list value of the RegistryKeys property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as array of strings, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the Launcher property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the LauncherExecutable property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the list value of the LauncherArguments property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as array of strings, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the LauncherIcon property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns the string value of the SetupTestFile property.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: The value of the property as string, or $null in case the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function returns a boolean value, indicating if this app is installed.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
  • Return Value: $true if the app is installed, $false if the app is not installed, and $null if the app ID is not defined.


  • Description: This function retrieves a path to a custom script.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
    • type: The type of cstom script (e.g. setup or env).
  • Return Value: An absolute path to the custom script or $null if this type of custom script does not exists for the specified app.


  • Description: This function retrieves a path to a setup resource for an app.
  • Parameter:
    • app: The app ID.
    • relativePath: A relative path or simply the filename of the resource.
  • Return Value: An absolute path to the resource or $null if the resource does not exists for the specified app.

A setup resource can be a file or a directory, which is used by custom scripts. The setup resources of an app are included in the app library.